If could travel to any part of the world, I'd visit probably a scandinavian country, like Sweden, Finland, and specially Iceland. The reason of why Iceland would be one of my first options is because i love the landscapes of that country and the cold weather. Pobably the kind of landscapes that i most love are the mountains and the lakes, and that would be one of the most important reasons of why i'visit a country like Iceland.

The thing that i know about the country is part of the culture, specifically his mythology. I think that the Norse Mythology is one the most insteresting mythologies that i've known, his different gods, his creatures, or the perception of how the world works.

The first thing that i´d do if someday i travel there, well i things that is obvious that i'd visit different cities and villages to see the different places and their landscapes, and i really would like to talk with the people of that country. I think that the language of Iceland is so beautifull, so i'd like to learn Icelandic.

And finally, i really would like to work there, but in something related with my career (Architecture), and study about the building or how the culture influence in the way of how the people design their building.


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