A country/place i would love visiting

Mountains and Lakes, these are the two things that i love in one place, personally i prefer Winter than the Summer, i like the cold weather and walking out when it’s raining outside.

And just with imagine a big lake in front a giant snowy mountains, i would be the happinest man in the world, and i would never want to leave that place.

I really would like visiting some escandinavian countries, because it have the characteristics that i said before, and also i love the norse mithology, so i thing that visit that country would be a good choice but i don’t know how is the lenguaje that the people speaks there.

And another country that i thing is beautiful is Canada, i have seen some movie, series and documentaries that shows different places of Canada, cities like Toronto or the Niagara Falls.

I know some people who have traveled to Canada, and currrently a friend have english classes there, and she told me something about the country and how is there.

I don’t know if in some momento i Will have the oportunity to go there…  but also, i still want to visit some cities on the south of Chile.


  1. Nice Lucas! I like mountains and lakes too!

  2. I also adore Norse mythology, Lucas.

    But more I adore the passion that you show to know new places

    1. But no bigger than the passion in your eyes when you speak to me face to face

  3. it fascinates me to think about the landscape you said and canada is really interesting, what a good taste you have.


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