The Role of Technology in my Profession and Life


Before of start with the university, i thought that i would be always making model of project with differente materials, and i did it, but just for my first year of the career, well, after that year i could go to the university face to face due to the pandemic situation, so from my second year to the current i had to assist to online classes, obviouslly i like more the face to face classes than the online classes, but the point is, that the last two year was necessary use digital tools, the different projects that i made i had to modeling it with autocad, rhino, sketchup, or many programs to materialize my project, currently i don't make my work fissically, only on my laptop.

I like to use that programs, i really like modeling and rendering a model for my projects, but also i really enjoyed when i made models with my hands, and some times i miss it.

The thing that i most miss is the presentations that i had to do in the faculty, the online presentation are horrible because i always get nervous and is most difficult at the moment of use some corporal expressions, in the online format the voice is almost one of the only tools that someone have for the presentations.


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